Frequently Asked Questions
Invoices are EMAILED ONLY to the email address of the account holder. Paper invoices are NOT sent to the billing address on file. It is the responsibility of the account holder to provide copies of the invoice to the accounts payable department of your organization.
The account holder can always obtain an invoice through their online account. Once logged in to the website, click on the name in the top right-hand corner and select “Order History.” A list of orders will appear. Find the order you would like to review and click “View Order.” There will be a “Print Invoice” button to the right of the order number.
Our Director's Scripts are are created from a large-print version of our playbooks printed single-sided on 8.5x11" paper and bound in a red three-ring binder.
We have several titles with Director's Scripts available. For a complete list of titles, click here.
I don’t see the title I’m looking for. Can DPC create a Director's Script for my title?
Depending on the title and how quickly assets are needed, DPC may be able to accommodate your request for an additional charge. Please email your request to for consideration.
We do not accept returns or offer refunds on playbooks, manuscript or digital script purchases.
Scripts and shipping/handling fees are required to be paid within 30 days of the order date.
Yes. If you are purchasing digital scripts, the payment policy differs. Please visit our Digital Scripts FAQs page.
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In most circumstances, orders are shipped out the same day, provided we can process the order by 2:00 p.m. CST and the items are in stock. Orders with music can sometimes take an additional day to process.
Orders received during the weekend or on holidays will be shipped the next business day.
**Please note that USPS does NOT guarantee their shipping estimates and has been experiencing delays**
For orders which contain backordered items, all items that are in stock will be shipped immediately. Backordered items will be shipped—with no additional postage or handling fees—as soon as they become available.
While we strive to restock and fill backorders quickly, some items can take an extended period of time. For any order with a backorder of more than three months, our customer service department will contact you to verify that you still want the item.
Because packages traveling outside of the United States must pass through customs, it is not uncommon for delivery to be delayed. We suggest that you place your order with extra time to spare in case of delay.
We will process all of the necessary paperwork required by customs to pass through as quickly as possible, but once the package has been picked up from our office by the vendor, we are not able to assist in delivery.
Customers are responsible for any VAT, tariff, duty, taxes, handling fees, customs clearance charges, etc. required by your country for importing consumer goods, as we do not collect this beforehand. As the cost varies widely around the world, we are unable to give you an estimate.
You can access your tracking information through your invoice by going to “Order History.” To access the invoice click “View Order” next to the order number. When your order has shipped there will be a “Shipments” tab. Click this tab to access your tracking information.
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Please contact our office at 1-815-338-7170 or email to make changes to your performance information.
Authors earn their living from the sale of their books and from the performance of their works. Regardless of whether you are charging for performances, the author must be compensated.
If you are performing before an audience whose members are not a part of your acting class or drama troupe, whether or not admission is charged, then it is subject to royalties.
Titles that are cut for competition time limits are offered at a reduced royalty rate. Competition cuttings of less than 10 minutes generally do not require that royalties be paid. Please complete a royalty application to receive a quote specific to your situation.
If you are performing before an audience whose members are not a part of your acting class or drama troupe, whether or not admission is charged, then it is subject to royalties.
K-12 schools:
The royalty rates listed on our website and in our catalog are applicable for K-12 schools only. Schools must still purchase a cast quantity of scripts, provide performance information, obtain a performance license and make arrangements for rental materials when required. When no royalty rate is listed on the website, K-12 schools must complete a royalty application to receive a royalty quote.
All other producing groups:
Please submit a royalty application to receive a royalty quote for all titles. All groups must purchase a cast quantity of scripts, obtain a performance license and make arrangements for rental materials when required.
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Dramatic Publishing defines a cutting as the removal of entire pages or scenes from the script. The remaining material must be performed in its original order, with no character or gender changes. All cuttings require approval and issuance of a cutting license. Please visit our Cuttings & Special Permissions 101 page for complete details.
Dramatic Publishing considers these types of changes as special permissions. Any changes to a script require written permission from Dramatic Publishing. Please visit our Cuttings & Special Permissions 101 page for complete details.
Please submit your request as early as possible. It can take up to eight weeks for some approvals or longer if the request requires the playwright's approval.
A play approved for cutting must be billed as "scenes from [play] by [playwright]", and credit must be given to the author, dramatizer, lyricist, composer, etc., of the play. Wherever the title of the play appears for purposes of advertising, publicizing, or otherwise promoting the play and/or your production, the name(s) of the author(s) must be at least half the size of the title of the play. The statement "Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois" must appear on all programs and any other promotional material generated for this production. Please also review any special billing requirements that may appear on the Important Billing and Credit Requirements page in the front of the printed playbook.
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"Livestreamed" refers to performances that are streamed online simultaneously as the actors are performing.
"Recorded and streamed" refers to performances that are pre-recorded or make use of an archival video, and are then played back for an audience.
Each performance type requires a different set of permissions. Therefore, permissions for "recorded and streamed" productions may not be available even if our website indicates that "livestream" rights are available.
If you are a K12 organization, your royalty fee will be the minimum royalty rate as shown in the gray box on the product page for the title.
If you are an amateur or professional theatre, your royalty rate will be based on the title selected and the information provided in the application. Please submit an application to obtain a royalty quote.
No, permission to stream is not included in our traditional license and permission may not be available. Please contact our customer service department to determine if a streaming rider can be added to your license. Please note that royalty rates may differ from what was initially quoted based on changes to your production plans.
Please contact us with any changes to your licensed request as royalty rates are determined based on the initial information provided.
Maybe. Traditional and livestream rights may not be available for all titles. Please contact us to discuss your request and review available options.
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We do not accept returns or offer refunds on playbooks, manuscript or digital script purchases.
Yes, a digital script must be purchased for each intended recipient. A cast quantity of either physical or digital scripts is a requirement of both live productions and streamed productions. Digital scripts cannot be shared or distributed without permission.
For a list of titles that are currently available digitally, click here.
If you don't see a particular title you are looking for in this list, please complete this brief Digital Script Request Form.
We now have many scripts available in a digital format for perusal, classroom, and performance use. This is a new feature, and we are adding more scripts to this category on a regular basis.
For a list of titles that are currently available digitally, click here.
If you don't see a particular title you are looking for in this list, please complete this brief Digital Script Request Form.
Digital scripts must be paid for before they can be downloaded. After payment is received, you will be able to download the digital script from your online account.
PLEASE NOTE: Digital scripts ordered using a school purchase order (PO) will download only after payment via check, credit card or wire transfer has been made.
You may download a copy of your digital script from your online account at any time.
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Music rental materials are shipped 12 weeks prior to your first performance date.
Music rental materials need to be returned within 15 days of your final performance date.
Music rental materials (music scores, accompaniment CDs or DVDs) should be shipped to the address below. When returning your materials, please include your packing slip, invoice number and/or organization information.
Dramatic Publishing
311 Washington St.
Woodstock, IL 60098
Cast Recording CD: An audio recording of the songs from a performance, rather than a studio. Intended just for listening, as it may not match the final published script/score.
Rehearsal CD: An audio recording that may or may not have vocals to accompany the music. These CDs were recorded in a studio and match the final materials, but vary in quality. Intended to aid in rehearsal.
Accompaniment CD: An audio recording of music only that is recorded in a studio. Intended to be used in a performance.
Please note: Not all of our musicals have CDs available.
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Right On Cue Services (ROCS) is a music production company specializing in performance enhancement and minus tracks for musical theater. With over 50 years of combined professional experience in musical theater and music production, the team at ROCS has the unique ability to blend both musicality and technology.
Dramatic Publishing has partnered with ROCS to bring you Show|Ready and Stage|Tracks tools for some of our most popular titles, including A Christmas Story, The Musical and Charlotte's Web. These tools are designed to enhance your musical rehearsals and performances.
Currently, the Show|Ready and Stage|Tracks products from Right on Cue Services are available for A Christmas Story, The Musical and Charlotte's Web.
We would love to hear your suggestions for other titles you would like to see these resources available for. Please email our customer service department to make a suggestion!
The Show|Ready and Stage|Tracks products from Right On Cue Services (ROCS) are tools designed to enhance your musical rehearsals and performances. Each tool was created with individual attention to excellence, providing great opportunities for theaters to shine.
Show|Ready is a fully editable rehearsal tool that allows you and your cast to rehearse any time, any place. With a straightforward interface that runs on Mac, PC, or iOS, musical perfection is within closer reach.
Stage|Tracks provides a great sounding, yet cost effective alternative for theaters looking for quality minus tracks.
Show|Ready and Stage|Tracks are available for purchase directly through our partner Right On Cue Services (ROCS). To order, please follow these steps:
1) Apply for rights and license your musical through Dramatic Publishing.
2) During the licensing process, you will be prompted to select your desired music rental package from Dramatic Publishing. Purchase of a rental package is required even if you will also be purchasing the Stage|Tracks product.
3) Contact ROCS to inquire about purchasing the Show|Ready and/or Stage|Tracks products to use with your licensed Dramatic Publishing musical. ROCS will work directly with you to provide pricing information, complete your order (including payment for the Show|Ready and Stage|Tracks products), deliver the product to you and provide technical support.
Please contact Right On Cue Services (ROCS) directly for customer service related questions. ROCS will work directly with you to provide pricing information, complete your order (including payment for the Show|Ready and Stage|Tracks products), deliver the product to you, provide technical support and answer any other questions you may have about the products or your order.
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Use of script artwork is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Dramatic Publishing to inquire about use of artwork for a specific title.
Yes, you may create your own artwork to promote your production. However, please be sure to understand and abide by all copyright laws if you plan to use artwork created by another artist.
Please email high-resolution photos from your production to our customer service department and include the following information:
- Title of the play or musical
- Date of the performance
- Name and address of the producing organization
- Actors' names as they appear from left to right. If there are more than five actors pictured, names are not necessary.
Receipt of the photos/artwork constitutes permission to use unless the photos are taken by a professional photographer, in which case you will need to secure permission for unlimited use from the photographer. Please note that photos/artwork mailed to us will not be returned.
Wherever the title of the play appears for purposes of advertising, publicizing, or otherwise promoting the play and/or your production, the name(s) of the author(s) must be at least half the size of the title of the play.
The statement "Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois" must appear on all programs and any other promotional material generated for this production.
Please also review any special billing requirements that may appear on the Important Billing and Credit Requirements page in the front of the printed playbook.
Our Logo Packs will make promoting your show a breeze!
Logo packs are downloadable graphic elements that can be used to help create materials to promote your production. The graphics can be used on marketing materials such as posters, flyers, programs, social media, emails and t-shirts.
Each Logo Pack ($50.00) includes:
- Logo in color (PNG, JPEG and PDF formats)
- Logo in black/white (PNG, JPEG and PDF formats)
- Social media graphics - one square graphic and one Facebook cover image (JPEG format)
- Editable 11x17" poster (PDF format)
- Up to three additional graphic elements (PNG, JPEG and PDF formats)
All Logo Pack images are inspired by the cover image on the playbook.
We have several titles with logo packs available. For a complete list of titles, click here.
I don’t see the title I’m looking for. Can DPC create a logo pack for my title?
Depending on the title and how quickly assets are needed, DPC may be able to accommodate your request for an additional charge. Please email your request to for consideration.
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Sometimes it is necessary for us to restrict a play or musical to accommodate a booking by a touring company or a major professional theatre. Please contact us as early as possible about your interest in a play or musical so that we can help you arrange the best possible performance schedule.
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Some of our titles are available for archival recording without a special request. Others require the author approval. Please call or email your request and we will let you know what is required for the title you are performing.
No, performance video clips cannot be posted on websites and social media accounts unless permission is granted by Dramatic Publishing.
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Copying of materials is strictly prohibited unless permission is granted by Dramatic Publishing. For manuscript titles, customers will be issued a permission to copy form and granted permission to make a specific number of copies. For digital scripts, you will be granted permission to distribute the specific number of copies purchased.
Authors earn their living from the royalties they receive from book sales and from the performance of their work. Conscientious observance of copyright law is not only ethical, it encourages authors to continue their creative work. Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized alteration, reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted materials.
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Dramatic Publishing has an open submissions policy and we are always interested in receiving new plays to consider for publication. Please visit our Submissions policy page to view complete details.
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Dramatic Publishing is required by law to collect sales tax for orders containing sold merchandise (such as scripts, books or CDs) and that are being shipped to Illinois addresses. If your organization is tax-exempt and is shipping to an Illinois address, a current tax-exemption certificate must be on file in order to ensure no tax is charged on the order. If you place your order prior having the certificate on file, tax will be charged. We are unable to refund sales tax after an order has been placed.
Online orders with IL shipping address: During the account setup process, you will be asked to upload a current tax-exemption certificate which will serve as acceptable proof of exempt status. If your organization has a certificate on file from a previous order, you will only need to verify the tax ID number the first time you place an order on behalf of the organization.
Phone orders with IL shipping address: If your organization has a certificate on file from a previous order, you will only need to verify the tax ID number the first time you place an order on behalf of the organization. If your organization has not placed an order with DPC previously, please fax or email your current tax-exemption certificate PRIOR to contacting us to place your order. Certificates can be faxed to 815-338-8981 or emailed to
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We are able to reschedule or postpone performances for the vast majority of our titles. Our licensing department will have to check the availability of rights in your geographical area for any restricted titles. Please contact our customer service department by phone at (800) 448-7469 or by email at to make changes to your performance dates. Productions can be postponed until further notice if you have not yet selected your new performance dates. Royalty fees previously paid will be applied to the rescheduled production.
Please click here to view some commonly asked questions about livestreaming.
Most requests for livestreaming performances are being handled on a case-by-case basis. To make a livestream request, please complete this form.
Please note that videotaping performances and posting the recording online is different from livestreaming; all requests to do this will need to be submitted for approval.
In addition, even if you have reached out directly to the authors and received approval to stream, there may be contractual conflicts with existing audio-visual grants we need to clear.
For a list of some of our more popular titles with livestream permissions, click here.
Yes! We now have many scripts available in a digital format for perusal, classroom, and performance use. This is a new feature, and we are adding more scripts to this category on a regular basis.
If you would like to purchase a digital script, please contact our customer service department by phone at (800) 448-7469 or by email at and include the title and product code.
For a list of titles that are currently available digitally, click here.
If you don't see a particular title you are looking for in this list, please complete this brief Digital Script Request Form.
No, we are not imposing late fees on organizations for rental materials that are not returned on time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please return your rental materials as soon as you are safely able to do so. If you have requested a refund for royalty fees, please note that we will not be able to issue your refund until after we have received the return of the rental materials.
If you've postponed your production, please hold on to your rental materials until after your production is complete and return them as you normally would (within 30 days).
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