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The Cell Phone Rings for Thee

The Cell Phone Rings for Thee

By Werner Trieschmann.

Product Code: CG2000



Cast size: 2 to 7 m., 3 to 11 w., 4 either gender

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Rights and availability

The pieces within this collection may be performed individually or together. By default, granted licenses will include the whole work unless specifically requested otherwise. Please submit a cutting request with your application if you do not intend to perform the work in its entirety.

This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $110.00/perf


All the latest gadgets that bewitch and bedevil us are addressed in this comic collection of 10-minute plays. The Cell Phone Rings for Thee: Is death really a good enough reason to stop talking on your cell phone? Gary's Endurance Roast: Wounded, unemployed and on the verge of divorce, Gary reaches for the only lifeline he has left—a coffeehouse chain. The Talking Shopping Cart: The unveiling of a new labor-saving device creates conflict in the Puritan Foods grocery store. Un Restaurant: A cutting-edge restaurant is the setting for a challenging romantic dinner. Coulrophobia: Can Sparkles the clown be rehabilitated before it's too late? Close Shave: A loser is confronted by his new razor, which has a surly attitude. The Morris A. Crockmorton High-School Cafeteria Text Messaging Tragedy: An ill-advised text message sets off a chain of disastrous events.


Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Collection
  • Product Code CG2000
  • Minimum Cast Size 5
  • Pages of Dialogue 52
  • Min. Royalty Rate $110.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 80 min
  • Staging Simple sets.


  • Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages)
  • Performing Group Middle School | High School | Community Theatre
  • Genre Comedy
  • ISBN(13) 9781583426449

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.