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Once Upon A Texas

Once Upon A Texas

By I. E. Clark

Product Code: O94000

  • Collection
  • Comedy | Drama

Rights and availability
The pieces within this collection may be performed individually or together. By default, granted licenses will include the whole work unless specifically requested otherwise. Please submit a cutting request with your application if you do not intend to perform the work in its entirety.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

$9.95 /book

Min. Royalty Rate: $85/perf

In stock


Once Upon a Texas is a book of eight short plays. The first seven skits give a fictional but more or less true picture of what life was like in Stephen F. Austin's original colony from its earliest settlers to the establishment of the Republic of Texas. The eighth short play depicts the fanciful "invention" of the Lone Star State by its most famous folklore character, Pecos Bill, and his wild bronco, Widow-maker.Texas Between the Rivers: A humorous tale about Stephen F. Austin's very first settlers. Texas by Any Other Name: A colorful account of the naming of Texas. A Capital Idea: A humorous look at Austin's problems in choosing the site of his capital. It Takes a Heap of Lovin': A specialty number in choreographed mime and hoe-down dance as pioneers build a log cabin. Life in the Country: A poignant dramatic portrayal of the fear of the wild and the daily struggle for food. Those Revolting Texians: A dramatic portrayal of events of the Texas Revolution. Three-Legged Willie: A humorous look at the first district court in the Republic of Texas. Pecos Bill and the Texas Stars: An action-packed comedy in which Pecos Bill invents Texas.


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  • Status

    In stock

  • Type of Show Collection
  • Product Code O94000
  • Cast Size 5
  • Pages 44
  • Min. Royalty Rate $85/perf
  • Cost $9.95
  • Approx. Run Time 160 min


  • Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | Family (all ages)
  • Performing Group Community Theatre
  • Genre Comedy | Drama
  • ISBN(13) 9780886802387
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Media Reviews



Poster Suggestions

  • Each poster includes a text box which allows you to customize it with your production information. Once a poster has been opened, position your mouse over the lower third portion until you see a label with instructions on entering your production information. Use the Text Select Tool to customize your poster.
  • You can print the poster in its original format and hand write your information.
  • Your local copy shop should be able to create prints from a file saved to disk. They might even be able to increase the size of the poster for you (although some loss of resolution will occur).
Poster permissions: Please note that while the posters are customizable, the graphics and credits on each poster are not. The permission to manipulate any of the posters on our website is strictly limited to the production promotion box at the bottom of the poster. The graphics and all other text including author credits, title, etc., may not be manipulated in any way. This permission does not include the right to reproduce the graphics on any other media without the express written consent of Dramatic Publishing.