By Suzan Zeder.
Product Code: S1G000
Full-length Play
Comedy | Drama
Cast size: 2m., 4w.
Awards: The Charlotte B. Chorpenning Playwright Award
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A gifted playwright brilliantly captures the contemporary theatrical fantasies of Ellie, a little girl. This dramatization has been electrifying audiences of children and adults alike in both professional and amateur productions. In Step on a Crack, Ellie Murphy lived happily with her widowed father, Max, bowling, eating TV dinners and playing with junk. But now, suddenly, life is different. Max has remarried, and Ellie has a stepmother. Ellie and her imaginary friends, Lana and Frizbee, launch into a fantasy world as Ellie seeks to escape real-life problems. They romp through prison breaks, Cinderella, Snow White and Ellie's own funeral where "Everyone is really sorry for all the mean things they did to you." Only by running away and discovering what it is really like to be alone does Ellie begin to come to terms with herself and her own need for a mother.
Suzan Zeder's play was extremely well written and accessible for our students. The cast was young and fairly inexperienced, but they were able to handle the characters quite handily since they were so well crafted by Zeder. This play resonated with children whose parents were divorced (both those in the audience and on stage). I didn't expect folks to be crying at the tender moment at the end, but they were.
Fun action play. My students enjoyed coming to rehearsals because they loved the story.
Kathy Stewart, Tarkington Middle School, Cleveland, Texas