Burton LeParge, secret agent extraordinaire, is taking a break to romance the exotic Antoinette. But wait! Complications arise as secret agent Burton is only the fictional extension of Bradley Ames, hack writer extraordinaire! Through swashbuckling Burton, Bradley immerses himself in a lifestyle far more exciting than his own. All the women Burton romances are merely fantasy creations based on Bradley's real-life secretary, Ann Marie. It is up to the fictional Burton and Antoinette to bring out the human side of Bradley. Available in manuscript only.
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- Type of Show One-act Play
- Product Code S63000
- Cast Size 6
- Min. Royalty Rate $40/perf
- Cost $39.95
- Approx. Run Time 35 min
- Target Audience Middle School | High School | College and Adult
- Performing Group High School | College Theatre | Dinner Theatre
- Genre Comedy | Farce | Satire
Customer Reviews
- "We enjoyed the "foolish humor" of the play and the opportunity to discuss issues of gender expectation and stereotyping. My students found themselves drawn to Bradley but not so much to Annemarie. Of course, Burton was their all-time favorite."
- Review by Pamela Turner, Ben Franklin Academy, Atlanta, GA
- "Our production of Slight Indulgences was a real crowd pleaser. The audience enjoyed the quick pacing and the hysterical antics of the lead character as he struggles with his fears and desires."
- Review by Janet Williamson, Richmond Hill High School, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
- "This was just a delightful, funny, clever play to produce and direct! My actors totally "got" the idea of writer and characters and again turned in fabulous performances. We have all been quoting it since it closed!!"
- Review by Catherine Olsen, DGF Public School, Glyndon, Minn.