Book, music and lyrics by Geraldine Ann Snyder.
Product Code: BG5000
Comedy | Drama
Cast size: 3m., 3w., up to 20+ extras.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
Targeting students in grades three through eight, this musical, which empowers its young audience to disarm the bullies in their school, is the story of a group of students at Woodruff High and how they learn to deal with the constant and mean-spirited bullying behavior that has become the norm, including cyber-bullying. We meet cheerleaders Brianna and Megan and star athletes Buster and Jondo—all school bullies. The boys relentlessly target the intelligent and studious Humphrey Chastain, while the girls go after Flo Elkins for her appearance and her hopes of winning a major singing competition. When Miss Dentler, their teacher, observes Humphrey ranting against the bullying, she calls all the students into her room for a meeting. Miss Dentler asks them to help stop the bullying and shares with them that she was bullied when she was in school. She is called to the office and leaves the students with much to think about. Once the students are left alone to talk to one another and share their personal lives, they start to realize that they aren't so different from one another after all. They also realize that school should be a safe place for everyone and that they have the power to make it so. "There for You" is sung by the entire cast, confirming their commitment to put an end to bullying and to support one another.