Darrah Cloud's most recent work includes the stage adaptation of Disney's classic Snow White, now playing at Disneyland. Her adaptations of O Pioneers! and The Boxcar Children, with composer Kim D. Sherman, have toured all over the United States. O Pioneers! was filmed for American Playhouse with Mary McDonnell in the lead role. Her play The Stick Wife continues to be produced all over the U.S. and Europe. Hearts Are Wild, a rock musical with composer George Griggs, opened in Pittsburgh at City Theater in January 2006, and Sabina, a chamber musical about Jung, Freud and Sabina Spielrein, is in the works. HeartLand, an original musical, also with Kim D. Sherman, has been produced in regional theaters since 2000. Cloud has won numerous awards, writes for television as well as theater, and is an alumna of the Writer's Workshop at the University of Iowa and New Dramatists in New York City.