Cynthia Mercati likes to write for family audiences and young people. She loves their zest and involvement in the play they're watching. She has written many children's shows that tour the Midwest including Hey, Aesop! and Bigger Than Life! Her plays for Dramatic Publishing include To See the Stars and Faces of Freedom, both of which deal with the struggles of young people to overcome racism and prejudice and find the life they've dreamed of in America. Her most recent play, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, deals with the Civil War and was premiered in Iowa's Civic Center, starring Hal Holbrook. Mercati has written several one-man shows including Grant Wood: Prairie Rebel, based on the life of the painter of American Gothic, which has been touring for several years. Her plays have been produced in every state in the U.S., as well as Holland, Canada, Australia and off-Broadway. Mercati wants to continue writing to entertain, excite and move young people to action. Her hometown is Chicago and she likes big cities, dachshunds, old movies and baseball.