Constance Congdon's works include Tales of the Lost Formicans, which premiered at the Humana Festival and has had more then 100 productions, Lips, So Far, Losing Father's Body, Dark Bridge Mountain, The Automata Pietà, Casanova, which premieired at the New York Shakespeare Festival, and Dog Opera, which was commissioned by the New York Shakespeare Festival. Congdon also wrote the libretto for a new opera by Peter Gordon, The Strange Life of Ivan Osokin, as well as the libretti for two operas by Ron Perera, S and The Yellow Wallpaper. She has written seven plays for the Children's Theatre of Minneapolis. A collection of Congdon's plays is published by the Theatre Communications Group, Inc. Other plays includes Native American, No Mercy, The Guilded Age, and One Day Earlier (a companion piece for No Mercy). Congdon's plays have been produced in Moscow, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Edinburgh and London, as well as in over 50 regional and university theaters in the United States.