Linda, B.B. and Nancy are sunning themselves in their backyard in Queens waiting for their boyfriends to take them away for a four-day holiday. They're going to fix up a fourth male with Nancy's cousin, Tess, a conservative "college girl." When Tess arrives, she's repulsed by the Barbie doll hairdos and tight outfits the girls from Queens are wearing. However, Tess is given a lesson when she finds out that the three girls are anything but ill-informed. As the stunned Tess is transformed by Linda, B.B. and Nancy into their look-alike, she listens to them debate the Hundred Years War, the poll tax, the Franco-Prussian War, the Battle of Waterloo and Napoleon—their usual conversation when they're away from their insecure men! Tess gains immeasurable respect for the three girls and hopes that she doesn't come off too dumb, since she doesn't know who won the Franco-Prussian War. But more important, she stops making judgments based on superficial evidence.
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- Type of Show One-act Play
- Product Code C99000
- Cast Size 4
- Min. Royalty Rate $50/perf
- Cost $9.95
- Approx. Run Time 40 min
- Target Audience Middle School | High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages)
- Performing Group High School | Dinner Theatre
- Genre Comedy | Satire
- ISBN(13) 9780871297303
Customer Reviews
- "What I liked about this play was that it presented a different perspective of the stereotypical bimbo. The characters were believable and the plot was easy to follow."
- Review by Drama Director, Rockwell City/Lytton Community School District, Rockwell City, IA
- "Well received on our college campus, a perfect little bit of a play to end our season with. Not as stressful or time consumingÑit was great for our student theatre organization to stage."
- Review by Star Novak, Baker University, Baldwin City, Kan.