F. Scott Fitzgerald, the foremost chronicler of the 1920s, created this classic short story of young people, their charm and underlying sadness. Bernice, an insecure young woman of 18, is visiting her popular cousin Marjorie. At a series of country club dances, Bernice is, at first, a wallflower. Marjorie tries to help her gain popularity and succeeds beyond the wildest expectations of either girl. When Bernice wins Yale man Warren away from Marjorie, Marjorie exacts a terrible revenge. Bernice, learning from the experience, turns the tables in a surprise ending.
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- Type of Show One-act Play
- Product Code B50000
- Cast Size 13
- Min. Royalty Rate $50/perf
- Cost $9.95
- Approx. Run Time 35 min
- Target Audience Middle School | High School | Family (all ages)
- Performing Group Middle School | High School | Touring Group
- Genre Comedy | Melodrama
- ISBN(13) 9780871295774