Sweet centers around three generations of the Carter family, headed by former boxing champ “Sweet” Clemmet Carter. Now in failing health, Clemmet lives for the memories of his glory days and building puzzles with his grandson, Christopher. Clemmet’s wife, Addie, works cleaning the houses of the very people she and Clemmet used to socialize with. Unbeknownst to them, their daughter Ruby, Christopher’s mother, has been talking to an enthusiastic sports writer named Trevor Wallace who wants to write a book about Clemmet’s life. Clemmet finds the project an excuse to relive all his old fights while Addie is increasingly hostile towards Trevor. As Trevor pushes back against Addie’s wrath, he discovers some family secrets are best left buried.
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- Type of Show Full-length Play
- Product Code S2W000
- Cast Size 5
- Min. Royalty Rate $90/perf
- Cost $30.95
- Approx. Run Time 90 min
- Target Audience High School | College and Adult
- Performing Group College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre | Touring Group
- Genre Drama