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Black Nativity

Black Nativity

The Christmas story in dialogue, narrative, pantomime, gospel song and folk spirituals—the unique creation of the poet and playwright Langston Hughes. Optional music arranged by Aaron Robinson.

Product Code: B72000



Cast size: variable.

Rights and availability

This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

Please note this title may be restricted in your area and may require additional processing time.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $110.00/perf


As a young man, Hughes participated enthusiastically in the activities of the Karamu Players in Cleveland, and later he was to found Negro theatres in Harlem, Los Angeles and Chicago. He wrote a number of plays and musicals before creating what he calls "the Gospel Song-Play" … which is Black Nativity. First performed at the York Theatre and then at President Kennedy's International Jazz Festival, it went on to cause a sensation at the Festival of Two Worlds at Spoleto, Italy. In London, Oslo, Brussels, Copenhagen and Rotterdam, Black Nativity triumphed before its return to New York and the then-new Lincoln Center. Black Nativity is designed for you to add the music of your choice (from spirituals to traditional carols or your original compositions) and dance. This thrilling holiday piece will have your audiences on their feet!


The optional rented music is based on the 1961 Broadway production and does not fully match the playbook.


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Musical
  • Product Code B72000
  • Minimum Cast Size 18
  • Pages of Dialogue 34
  • Min. Royalty Rate $110.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 50 min
  • Staging Simple set.


  • Target Audience High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages) | Senior Adults | Praise Groups
  • Performing Group High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre | Touring Group | Praise Group
  • Genre Drama
  • ISBN(13) 9780871291929

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

The script is wonderful and very moving. It's the classic Nativity story with soul added to it.

Charlotte Quandt, Soulful Arts Dance Academy, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Media Reviews

"Audiences greeted Black Nativity with enthusiasm, taking part in the singing and hand clapping and insisting on curtain call after curtain call." —The New York Times "The elegant festival public appeared to have forgotten itself, lost in this rhythmic wave that overwhelmed it, an integral part itself that bound stage and auditorium in a mystical fusion." —Il Tempo

Production Map

Location City State Opens Closes
Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe Sarasota FL 11/19/2025 12/23/2025


File Description File Format
Performance Poster pdf Download

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  • You can print the poster in its original format and hand write your information.
  • Your local copy shop should be able to create prints from a file saved to disk. They might even be able to increase the size of the poster for you (although some loss of resolution will occur).

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