Thugs follows the adventures of Bill, an American writer in England, as he explores the world of soccer hooligans, "the lads" whose explosions of violence have fascinated and shocked onlookers for years. Setting himself the task of understanding why young men in England riot and pillage in the name of sports fandom, Bill travels deep into a culture both horrific and hilarious. His journey takes him from the pubs of London to the stadiums of northern England and the streets of Europe. Along the way Bill gets to know the lads—Steamin''Sammy; Roy Downes, recently out of prison, who surveys an assemblage of thugs "like a general inspecting his troops"; and Mick, Bill's first guide to hooliganism, an epic drinker and "quite simply the most repellent human being I'd ever seen in my life." In their company, Bill witnesses acts of violence so brutal and senseless they seem like real-life examples of the ultraviolence practiced by Alex and his droogs in A Clockwork Orange. But rather than being repelled by the thugs' casual viciousness, Bill is fascinated, and his investigation draws him ever further into the hooligan's world. Weeks of research turn into months, and then years. The act of observing begins to turn into something more sinister, as Bill begins to uncover some dark truths about the lads—and himself.
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- Type of Show Full-length Play
- Product Code AB8000
- Cast Size 10
- Min. Royalty Rate $90/perf
- Cost $10.95
- Approx. Run Time 90 min
- Target Audience College and Adult
- Performing Group College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre
- Genre Drama
- ISBN(13) 9781583423981
Media Reviews
"Szentgyorgyi's marvelous script offers fascinating explorations into themes of mob-induced mayhem, group dynamics, macho aggressiveness gone amok, and the ultimately inexplicable moment when an ostensibly compassionate human snaps and turns into a vicious barbarian." -Backstage"Succeeds brilliantly." -Hyde Park Herald
"Seeing the show again (my third time), one has to be awed new by the clarity of Szentgyorgyi's skillful adaptation" -Chicago Tribune
"This is bloody brilliant theatre in every way, shape and form—guaranteed to alter your pulse rate. Among the Thugs, the testosterone-primed anatomy of soccer hooliganism…is the real thing—a primal ritual dance driven by a vibrating brain and a steadily injected stream of near-psychotic behavior…Playwright Tom Szentgyorgyi [has] created a remarkable stage adaptation…that uses just ten hypercharged actors to suggest a thundering stadium mob." -Chicago Sun-Times