The distinction of being multiracial in America comes with its own problems, one of which is not knowing where you belong. In Caught Between Two Worlds, 15-year-old Andrea is half Latinx and half white. Not speaking Spanish, she is shunned by those who are Latinx, and since her skin is brown, she’s shunned by those who are white. The play focuses on the need of those who are of mixed race to discover where they belong, not only in our society but in their own home, and brings insight to the young people who may have dealt with them cruelly. Because of its content and immediacy to many students, Caught Between Two Worlds is an excellent academic addition to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs. Depending on the ethnic makeup of your community, it is the author’s intention that you adapt the play to your community’s predominant race and ethnicity.
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- Type of Show Full-length Play
- Product Code CF7000
- Cast Size 12
- Min. Royalty Rate $90/perf
- Cost $10.95
- Approx. Run Time 55 min
- Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages) | Senior Adults
- Performing Group Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre | TYA | Senior Theatre | Touring Group | Dinner Theatre
- Genre Comedy | Drama
- ISBN(13) 9781583429358
Customer Reviews
- "I love the overall concept and the meaning behind the play. I loved what it stood for, I loved the way I thought it was going to impact others. Even if you didn't want to get drawn in; you did. "
- Review by Cassadra Robertson, Seagoville Middle School, Dallas, Texas
- "My students and I really enjoyed doing this play, we had a blast!!! When I chose the play, I really thought it would fit my school and some of the things students deal with ... no matter what color or race you are everyone would be able to relate. "
- Review by Cassadra Robertson, Seagoville Middle School, Dallas, Texas
- "Every child regardless of his or her racial or cultural background, should have the opportunity to see and experience this play."
- Review by Harlan Brownlee, Executive Director, Kansas City Young Audiences
Hints, Tips, and Tricks
- "Everything took place in Andrea’s room on one side of the stage, I used the other side of the stage for the flashbacks such as the store, lunch and living room. At the beginning, when the girls were messing with and making fun of Andrea, I placed them in the front of the stage off to the side in the pit area. I made the store clerk a women instead of a man."
- Tip by Cassadra Robertson, Seagoville Middle School, Dallas, Texas