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Authors   >   Robert Clyman

Robert Clyman

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Robert Clyman's plays have been performed off-Broadway and in such theaters as the Denver Center Theatre, George Street Playhouse, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Colony Studio Theatre (Los Angeles), Missouri Rep and Mill Mountain Theatre (Roanoke, Va.) in addition to touring in Scotland. He has been awarded a number of national prizes such as the Eugene O'Neill Summer Conference Fellowship, New Jersey State Council on the Arts Award, Edward Albee Foundation Fellowship and Shenandoah Valley Playwrights Fellowship. Playwrights Theatre audiences were introduced to two plays by Clyman: Where the Sun Never Sets, a staged reading in the fall of 1994, and Sigmund Freud: the Untold Story, which has since been presented in New York by the Abingdon Theatre Company under the title of Siggy. The Lower Cortex was presented in a workshop production at Playwrights Theatre in May 1996, after first being developed at a lab production at the Circle Repertory Company in New York City, and was recently produced at the Miniature Theatre of Chester, Mass. Clyman is also a clinical psychologist with a practice in Oldwick.

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