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Authors   >   Liz Peterson

Liz Peterson

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Photo: Chris Guyotte.

Liz Peterson, a native of Illinois, is a lover of words and music. She has taught English at the junior high through university levels and has written textbooks, poetry, short stories, one novel and three musicals. Currently, she tutors, studies piano and music composition, plays the recorder, sings in choirs and writes melodies to poems by her favorite poets. In her spare time she golfs, sails, swims, babysits with her grandchildren, plays bridge and travels with her husband. She is proud that her musical version of The Wind in the Willows has been performed in 22 states and three foreign countries, with frequent productions in Illinois and California. She is sorry to say that her acting career began and ended with the part of Mrs. Moorehen in The Wind in the Willows. Her daughters say she's good but sounds too much like a teacher.