Andrew Morton's plays include Bloom (a winner at the 2013 Write Now Festival and winner of the 2013 Aurand Harris Memorial Playwriting Award), February (shortlisted for the 2007 Royal Court Young Writers Festival), Drive-Thru Nativity, and the collaborative projects EMBERS: The Flint Fires Verbatim Theatre Project, State of Emergency and The Most [Blank] City in America. His plays have been featured or produced nationally at the Write Now Festival, the New England Theatre Conference, Flint Youth Theatre and internationally at the Blue Elephant Theatre and the Hampstead Theatre in London. Originally from the UK, Andrew has a master’s degree in cross-sectoral and community arts from Goldsmiths, University of London. While in the UK, he worked with several educational theatre companies and served as education officer at the Blue Elephant Theatre, where he ran the Young People's Theatre and the Speak Out! Forum Theatre project. Morton is currently based in Detroit, where is a project manager for TimeSlips, an award-winning international nonprofit that promotes creative engagement techniques for people living with dementia and works as a teaching artist and facilitator with a variety of social service and arts organizations including University Musical Society at the University of Michgan, Waterworks Theatre Company, the Ennis Center for Children, Mariners Inn and the Ruth Ellis Center.