A light-hearted, high-energy look at one eventful day in the life of fourth-grader Samantha, the new girl in town, who has lost her beloved cat, Corky. At the bus stop, Samantha meets three wacky new friends who welcome her into their class, which just happens to be studying the animal kingdom. Their search for essay topics takes them from a dinner table's chicken thighs to the pasture of a bull not pleased to see visitors. A wayward wad of bubble gum, tuba practice and a sticky baby sister later, the busy day finally peaks with the rescue of Corky. Nineteen humorous—and sometimes serious—poems by David L. Harrison are woven into the script as dialogue. Instead of bursting into song, the characters break out into poetry! Incidental music composed especially for this play is available. Highly tourable by five actors. Somebody Catch My Homework also offers creative opportunities for a larger cast and/or audience participation.
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- Type of Show One-act Play
- Product Code SH8000
- Cast Size 5
- Min. Royalty Rate $50/perf
- Cost $9.95
- Approx. Run Time 45 min
- Target Audience Young Audiences | Family (all ages)
- Performing Group Elementary School | Middle School | High School | TYA | Touring Group
- Genre Comedy
- ISBN(13) 9781583421710
Customer Reviews
- "Very fun, cute show ideal for young casts! Contact the composer listed in the script for the perfect soundtrack to accompany the show!"
- Review by kavin Ley, Oak Farm Montessori School, Avilla, Ind.
- "Our middle school actors had a great time playing younger characters. They loved all the comedy and energy. The director loved the well-written script and the physical style of the acting."
- Review by Kristin Hall, Lincoln School, Lincoln, Mass.
- "This is a great play for touring. We performed it with a single set and four chairs! The kids really loved the poetry outbreaks."
- Review by Mary Hill, HOME Drama Players, Saint Pauls, N.C.
Hints, Tips, and Tricks
- "Keep settings simple so you can change quickly and keep the pace of the show moving."
- Tip by Denise Myers, Millikin University, Decatur, Ill.