Produced on Broadway by the late Michael Todd, this show concerns the Gage family who try to settle down in the old farmhouse they've acquired. Then Jonathan and Mathilda Rockwood move in, and they have the right to live in the house according to an old deed. As a contest for possession begins, the two families are isolated together by a blizzard. In the freezing house, while the Gages breakfast on what's left—cornflakes, molasses and olives—the smell of fresh biscuits comes from the rooms of the old-fashioned Rockwoods. A gentle, charming comedy.
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- Type of Show Full-length Play
- Product Code J11000
- Cast Size 13
- Min. Royalty Rate $90/perf
- Cost $10.95
- Approx. Run Time 180 min
- ISBN(13) 9781583421086
Customer Reviews
- "Both cast and crew had a lot of laughs producing this show. The characters in January Thaw are well defined and easy to portray. With all the sarcasm and witty dialogue, there was never a moment of boredom at rehearsals. There was even room for improvisation. We all had FUN!!"
- Review by Denise Deapo, Jordan Elbridge High School, Jordan, N.Y.