Hubie is the hardworking intellectual college student. His roommate, Alvin, is the girl-loving, girl-chasing jock. It seems to Hubie that Alvin always takes Hubie's girls away from him. So Hubie decides to create a fictitious girlfriend, Beatrice—someone special and beautiful—and make Alvin fall in love with the tall tales Hubie makes up about her. The plan backfires as Hubie, himself, falls in love with the fantastic girl of his fertile imagination. The play concludes with fisticuffs between the two roommates when Alvin writes to the phony address Hubie's been using and asks to see Beatrice. Played at the West Coast Theater Ensemble to excellent audience and critical response.
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- Type of Show One-act Play
- Product Code H68000
- Cast Size 3
- Min. Royalty Rate $40/perf
- Cost $9.95
- Approx. Run Time 20 min
- Target Audience High School | College and Adult
- Performing Group High School | College Theatre
- Genre Comedy
- ISBN(13) 9780871294883
Customer Reviews
- "Funny show. My male actors love it."
- Review by Carrie Wood, Waller High School, Waller, Texas