Sally Netzel designed her two-act play so that each scene flows smoothly into the next without a break in the action. Designed for set changes choreographed to music, the prince's ball and other scenes will benefit from music. All the ingredients that have made the story a perennial favorite are here: dirty, ragged, pitiful, but optimistic and loving Cinderella; her cruel stepmother and selfish stepsisters; the ball and the handsome prince looking for a bride, the fairy godmother; the glass slipper and the search for the foot that fits it, and the happily-ever-after ending. Netzel's sense of humor and her ability to develop captivating characters and invent charming scenes make this dramatization outstanding. Cinderella is a real person, with the hopes and petulance and frustration and love that modern young people experience when their fantasies seem to be impossible dreams.
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- Type of Show Full-length Play
- Product Code CL8000
- Cast Size 12
- Min. Royalty Rate $85/perf
- Cost $9.95
- Approx. Run Time 90 min
- Target Audience Young Audiences
- Performing Group Elementary School | Middle School | High School
- Genre Comedy
- ISBN(13) 9780886800284