Apologies is a contemporary drama intended for teenage audiences that deals realistically with a teenage girl's unexplained suicide. Jennifer leaves a letter for her mother, and then silently takes her own life. Instead of asking "Will she kill herself?" her family and friends are instead left to question "Why did she kill herself?" The audience travels back with them through the events leading up to her tragic decision, in an effort to answer this difficult question. The realistic and uncompromising depiction of teenagers and suicide have made this play extremely popular among young people. Previously appearing in slightly different form in Dramatics Magazine (1985), Apologies has since been produced by many school and community groups.
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- Type of Show Digital Script
- Product Code AE6DIG
- Cast Size 6
- Min. Royalty Rate $40/perf
- Cost $7.95
- Approx. Run Time 45 min
- ISBN(13) 9780876022788