In 1964, his family and friends in rural Edgewater, Maryland, dismiss 20-year-old Davey Woodfield as borderline retarded. Davey may be a little "slow," but he's a genius with automobiles. He is resilient and he believes in himself. Davey is very frustrated with people's misperception of him and with being oppressed by his guardian, his Aunt Augusta. He wants to take his savings, leave this small town auto repair shop and move to the city, where he is positive that he will be well paid for his talents. On this particular afternoon, however, he finds that his boss has sold the repair shop, taken all of the money (supposedly including Davey's money in the "payroll savings plan") and left for Alaska. The situation is complicated by family politics and Davey's domineering Aunt Augusta. Then a customer arrives at the shop. Who would have thought that Davey's savior would be a cosmetics saleswoman with a broken-down VW Beetle?
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- Type of Show One-act Play
- Product Code CP9000
- Cast Size 6
- Min. Royalty Rate $50/perf
- Cost $9.95
- Approx. Run Time 45 min
- Target Audience High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages)
- Performing Group High School | College Theatre
- Genre Comedy | Drama
- ISBN(13) 9781583429426