Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional
5m., 4w. (flexible/doubling.)
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
60 min.
Iris is gifted, the Great Goods are determined to have only the best, want her to be their best daughter. She has no memory of her past life, all that remains is a button, but with the help of her friends, she finds her past and home, once forgotten. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
13m., 9w., 21 either gender. Doubling possible.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
90 min.
Telling the coming-of-age story of the community's most mischievous boy, this adaptation really brings to life Mark Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer. A delightful introduction into the world of classic American characters. Learn More
Middle School | High School | Community | Professional
5m., 4w. (flexible/doubling.)
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
100 min.
Iris lives in a magical place called Nocturno, where memories do not reside in people's minds but instead are kept in their coats. The rulers of Nocturno take Iris away from her home and remove her coat leaving her with no memory of her home or her family. All that remains of Iris' past is a single button from her coat. Using the button as a clue, Iris joins with friends she meets on her journey and returns to Nocturno, having found her past, and her home. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
6 actors, with doubling. Flexible.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
55 min.
¡Bocón! tells the story of 12-year-old Miguel who flees a repressive military regime in Central America for Los Angeles. A natural storyteller and irrepressible "big mouth" or bocón, Miguel loses his voice when his parents are taken and begins a metaphorical journey north to the City of Angels. Along the way, he finds his voice and the courage to cross the border to a new life. Miguel's story is relevant to immigrant children from all parts of the world, and to any child who is learning the many meanings of finding one's own "voice." Learn More
Liza Tucker was born different. She can't talk, but she has an extraordinary ability to solve riddles. Misunderstood by her mother and her neighbors, she lives a reclusive life at the family home place. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional
10 to 29m.
No Livestream or Record and Stream Rights Available
60 min.
This is a suspenseful, fast-paced journey through the dark, charming and compelling world of Middle Earth. When Gandalf the wizard knocks at Bilbo's door with a contract to recover the lost treasure of Lonely Mountain, Bilbo could not be less interested—at first. But his love of a good story gets the better of him and soon he is off on a perilous quest over mountain and under hill through caves and forest and slimy dark places. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
Large, flexible.
No Livestream Rights Available
55 min.
This is an enchanting tale of the extraordinary adventures of three nasty farmers, two curious creatures, a family of foxes, and our hero—a most fantastic fellow! Your audience will be fascinated as they watch the farmers attempt to foil the efforts of Mr. Fox and his friends, and in the end, they'll cheer as Mr. Fox provides a glorious feast for every one! Learn More
Adapted by Tim Kelly. From the novel by Mark Twain.
Product Code: TR5000
High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
9 to 11m., 12w., extras.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
90 min.
All the familiar characters are here—Huckleberry Finn, Aunt Polly, Becky Thatcher, Widow Douglas, Muff Potter, Cousin Mary and menacing Injun Joe. The action flows well, and scenes fly by in a lively fashion: the classic "fence-painting" scene, the school lessons from strict Mr. Dobbins, the eerie murder of Doc Robinson in the graveyard at midnight, the pirate journey to Jackson's Island where buried treasure proves very dangerous, Tom's side-splitting "funeral," Tom's courtship of Becky and other scenes from the immortal classic. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
3m., 3w.
50 min.
This arrangement retains all the excitement and significance of the original as Nora becomes aware that she has been deluded in her marriage and that she now has a greater duty to herself. For the sake of her own salvation, she must leave her home and her husband to seek a life in which she can be truly herself. The sound of the door closing as Nora leaves is a sound that has reverberated through all of drama. An excellent way to introduce students to a great writer. Learn More