UIL Approved Titles
Pre-approved by Texas’ University Interscholastic League, these titles work for any school at any competition.
Charlotte's Web
Product Code: C58000
Still Life with Iris
Product Code: SG2000
The Ice Wolf
Product Code: I99000
Tom Sawyer
Product Code: TH6000
Journey to the World's Edge: A Folk Tale in the Irish Tradition
Product Code: J42000
The Emperor's New Clothes
Product Code: E66000
The Terezin Promise
Product Code: TF1000
Little Women: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy
Product Code: LA9000
The Little Prince
Product Code: LA4000
Do Not Go Gentle
Product Code: D72000
Still Life with Iris
Product Code: SC4000
Zink: the Myth, the Legend, the Zebra
Product Code: Z20000