A group of strangers meet in a dirty subway station and soon learn an unfortunate truth: they are all dead. They reason the train leaving from one platform must be bound for heaven and the other must be bound for hell. But which platform are they on? As the train approaches, they must decide whether to stay and ponder their actions further, or to have faith and climb aboard to their final destination. Learn More
Jewish pathologist Dr. Isaac Jonah is interred at Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944. Jonah searches for strength when he is asked to help in the escape of Lena. He must weigh the safety of his own family against the life of this innocent girl. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional
7m., 8w.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
75 min.
A group of Jewish children in Hitler's 1939 Germany are inspired by tales of African American slaves escaping via the Underground Railroad a century before. Learn More
Blaire has everything—good looks, popularity and a brain. It's her senior year, and she's going to be valedictorian. No one is surprised when she is chosen homecoming queen. Her friends are delighted—everybody likes her. Then Blaire finds out that she has cancer. The play has fun, excitement and some tears. All but one of the characters are teenage. Audiences of all ages enjoy it. Young people see themselves; adults see their children in familiar situations and recall their own teen years. Her Senior Year makes you think. Learn More
This experimental one-act play combines elements of ancient tomb rituals, Mayan temple dramas and medieval morality plays into a contemporary dramatic structure in which a human being ultimately embodies the moral voice and vision of his people. Learn More
Contact our customer service department to order or for more information.
105 min.
This large-cast experimental play combines elements of ancient tomb rituals, Mayan temple dramas and medieval morality plays into a contemporary dramatic structure in which a human being ultimately embodies the moral voice and vision of his people. Learn More
This experimental play combines elements of ancient tomb rituals, Mayan temple dramas and medieval morality plays into a contemporary dramatic structure in which we see a human being ultimately embody the moral voice and vision of his people. Learn More
Adapted by Ford Ainsworth from The Second Shepherd's Play.
Product Code: SY4000
Comedy | Drama
Middle School | High School | College
4m., 3w.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
35 min.
Three shepherds must thwart the efforts of a thieving scoundrel named Mak who is trying to steal their sheep. In spite of their vigilance, Mak manages to steal a lamb. The scene in which Mak and his wife, Gil, try to pass the lamb off as their newborn baby is some of the best comedy ever written. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
10m., 8w., with doubling, or increase the cast number by distributing the 49 roles.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
90 min.
At the end of the 15th century, the tiny town of Frogsham musters its dubious resources to mount the Corpus Christi play of Noah and the Flood. This medieval play-within-a-play presents a teeming town full of characters who mirror their biblical pageant counterparts. It provides a humorous glimpse of 15th-century stagecraft and the timeless panic of performers who must go on before the show is ready. Learn More