Huck and friends are hit with the adventure of their lives, when Jim escapes slavery and Huck helps navigate the path to freedom. The two meet some very interesting characters along the way, and end up in more trouble than they started with. Learn More
Three children are bounced like pinballs from one foster home to another. Each longs for the comfort of a real home. Now they come together for the first time at the home of Mrs. Mason, an understanding foster mother. Learn More
By Moses Goldberg. Based on the story by the Brothers Grimm.
Product Code: CN1000
High School | College | Community | Professional
5m., 5w., with option for extras.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
70 min.
This adaptation of the world's most popular fairy tale gives dimension to the characters and includes more of the inner turmoil as the classic "battered child" finds self-esteem through love. Learn More
By Jean and Walter Kerr. From the novel by Franz Werfel.
Product Code: S45000
Middle School | High School | College | Community
7m., 11w. (extras.)
110 min.
Among her schoolmates, Bernadette's habit of daydreaming makes her seem stupid. When a beautiful vision appears to her, her parents, the mayor, the police chief and even strict Sister Vauzous attempt to compel her to deny what she has seen. However, she remains true to her visions and enters a sisterhood. Learn More