By Dennis M. Maganza. Adapted into a one-act play by Luis Muñoz. Based on the book by Henry Fielding.
Product Code: HE1000
Comedy | Farce
Middle School | High School | College
20m., 15w. (doubling possible).
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
35 min.
Tom is in love with beautiful Sophia. Although her father envies his reputation as a daredevil and womanizer, he wouldn't consider letting his daughter marry such a scoundrel. The story of Tom's love for the beautiful Sophia; his everlasting feud with the despicable Allworthy heir, Blifil; the mad race to London, punctuated by the infamous night in the inn and the ill-fated masquerade ball are skillfully transferred to the stage in this dramatization. Learn More
Adapted by Dennis M. Maganza. Based on the novel The History Of Tom Jones.
Product Code: HE2000
High School | College | Community | Professional
8m., 8w., extras.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
120 min.
Tom, the illegitimate ward of Squire Allworthy, is in love with his beautiful neighbor, Sophia. Although Sophia's father admires and envies Tom for his reputation as a brawling, womanizing, thieving daredevil, he wouldn't consider allowing his daughter to marry such a scoundrel. Instead, Sophia is betrothed to Blifil, Allworthy's sniveling heir. Since Tom is seduced by most of the women and nearly murdered by all of the men, it's not surprising to find him on the gallows at the end of this fast-paced comedy. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional
10m., 4w.
105 min.
Scapino is one sly guy, he's the man who can get anyone out of a sticky situation. After some trouble with the law, Scapino lays low, but after two friends request his help, he can't say no, and ends up spinning a very elaborate tale to help them. Learn More