Adapted by Bonnie Roberts. Based on the play by Sophocles.
Product Code: AK7000
Drama | Tragedy
Middle School | High School | College | Professional
8m., 8w.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
45 min.
A civil war has ended. Will there be peace or new rebellion? Each chorus member argues the side of one of the characters, hoping to bring peace to the war-torn land. Each individual faces the choice: should I do what I feel is right or stay silent and safe? This adaptation can be set anywhere there is civil strife—ancient Greece, modern America, a medieval castle, the inner city, the future, any time and place that speaks to you.
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
13m., 9w., 21 either gender. Doubling possible.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
90 min.
Telling the coming-of-age story of the community's most mischievous boy, this adaptation really brings to life Mark Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer. A delightful introduction into the world of classic American characters. Learn More
Freely adapted by Emily Mann from the play by Sophocles.
Product Code: AC1000
Drama | Tragedy
High School | College | Community | Professional
3m., 3w. (2 either gender, plus chorus.)
Limited Livestream Rights Available
Contact our customer service department to order or for more information.
70 min.
Antigone must battle her uncle, King Creon, for the right to bury her dead brother. While most versions view Antigone as a righteous heroine, this version takes a fresh look at her rigidity as an equal contributor to the story's devastating ending. The path taken here—vengeance will breed vengeance—is a shattering lesson for our times. Learn More
21 roles to be played by a minimum of 12 actors (plus extras if desired.)
85 min.
This faithful adaptation of Charles Dickens' second novel is an exciting, fast-moving melodrama about the adventures of an orphan redeemed from a life of cruel poverty and crime by an act of unselfish courage. Filled with an atmosphere of mystery, its major characters—Fagin, Bill Sikes, Mr. Bumble, Nancy, and the Artful Dodger—are some of the most theatrically realized characters in all of literature. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
6 actors, with doubling. Flexible.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
55 min.
¡Bocón! tells the story of 12-year-old Miguel who flees a repressive military regime in Central America for Los Angeles. A natural storyteller and irrepressible "big mouth" or bocón, Miguel loses his voice when his parents are taken and begins a metaphorical journey north to the City of Angels. Along the way, he finds his voice and the courage to cross the border to a new life. Miguel's story is relevant to immigrant children from all parts of the world, and to any child who is learning the many meanings of finding one's own "voice." Learn More
By Julian Wiles. Based on the life and works of Edgar Allan Poe.
Product Code: N41000
High School | College | Community | Professional
12m., 7w. (2 boys playing 52 parts).
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
100 min.
In 1847, Edgar Allan Poe is reported to have boarded a steamer for an overnight voyage to New York City. Five days later, Poe was found delirious on a Baltimore street and died soon thereafter. What transpired over those missing days has remained forever a mystery...until now. This imaginative play, utilizing Poe's macabre stories and poems, ponders what might have happened to him on the dreary nightmare voyage at the end of his life. Learn More
High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
3m., 3w.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
70 min.
Quasimodo, the deformed bell-ringer of Notre Dame, falls for the gypsy Esmeralda, who is framed for the murder of her lover Phoebus, and tries to save her from execution by bringing her into the sanctuary, but the archdeacon allows the Parisians to hang h Learn More
Miss Emily Grierson is the proud and very private daughter of a small southern town's now-deceased leading citizen. She lives alone in the mansion left to her by her father until, to the surprise of everyone, she takes up with a handsome man from the north who is in town briefly on a contracting job. They are seen going about together and then he is seen no more, nor is Miss Emily, who no longer leaves her mansion. As we discover what really happens, we come to a shocking climax that, in the hands of this Nobel Laureate, has great dramatic impact. Learn More
In the late 1800's, Jack the Ripper has murdered seven women in London. Dr. Thaddeus Sergeant is obsessed with solving these murders and looks at everyone visiting him as a suspect. Learn More