21 roles to be played by a minimum of 12 actors (plus extras if desired.)
85 min.
This faithful adaptation of Charles Dickens' second novel is an exciting, fast-moving melodrama about the adventures of an orphan redeemed from a life of cruel poverty and crime by an act of unselfish courage. Filled with an atmosphere of mystery, its major characters—Fagin, Bill Sikes, Mr. Bumble, Nancy, and the Artful Dodger—are some of the most theatrically realized characters in all of literature. Learn More
Black Elk lived the experience of the Native American people from the moment before white people entered his world through the end of Indian independence at the massacre of Wounded Knee. His unique eloquence and that of his cousin Crazy Horse make this play a very special event. The play moves quickly and with mounting excitement through this history and through a vision of life as it once was for the American Indian, and as it could be for all people. Learn More
Huck and friends are hit with the adventure of their lives, when Jim escapes slavery and Huck helps navigate the path to freedom. The two meet some very interesting characters along the way, and end up in more trouble than they started with. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
Large, flexible.
No Livestream Rights Available
55 min.
This is an enchanting tale of the extraordinary adventures of three nasty farmers, two curious creatures, a family of foxes, and our hero—a most fantastic fellow! Your audience will be fascinated as they watch the farmers attempt to foil the efforts of Mr. Fox and his friends, and in the end, they'll cheer as Mr. Fox provides a glorious feast for every one! Learn More
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110 min.
This Mark Twain novel adapted by Charlotte Chorpenning, provides an especially good look at traditional U.S. values. Tom Sawyer's attempt to avoid them, keeping the familiarity of the tale alive. Learn More