A play within a play in various styles throughout theatre history. Rehearsal is conducted as an exasperated director and stage manager attempt to deal with an ever-changing script. Learn More
10+ either gender, especially gender-stereotyped roles and names.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
40 min.
A company of players takes the audience through a kaleidoscope in which one episode dissolves into another like an absurd dream. Each episode lets you see some aspect of yourself as a perceptive artist sees you, and the view is not always pleasant. What is the "asylum?" Is it the world of "normal" people, or the rest of us? The feeling of Asylum is one of space rather than a stage, a nameless place rather than a specific location; technical theatricality must be minimized. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
10m., 8w., with doubling, or increase the cast number by distributing the 49 roles.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
90 min.
At the end of the 15th century, the tiny town of Frogsham musters its dubious resources to mount the Corpus Christi play of Noah and the Flood. This medieval play-within-a-play presents a teeming town full of characters who mirror their biblical pageant counterparts. It provides a humorous glimpse of 15th-century stagecraft and the timeless panic of performers who must go on before the show is ready. Learn More