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Approx. Run Time (minutes)
75m 100m 75m to 100m
Total Cast Size
0 100 0 to 100
Female Cast Members
3 20 3 to 20
Male Cast Members
3 18 3 to 18

3 Item(s)

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  1. Does My Head Look Big in This?

    Does My Head Look Big in This?

    By Jeff Gottesfeld and Elizabeth Wong. Based on the award-winning young adult novel by Randa Abdel-Fattah.

    Product Code: DF1000

    • Comedy | Drama
    • High School | Community
    • 3 to 10m., 7 to 10w., 3 either gender.
    • 75 min.
    At a time of rising Islamophobia and cultural misunderstanding, this play about a typical American high-school teen who happens to be Muslim is a great tool for tolerance. When Amal decides to wear her hijab to school, it's a learning experience for all ... including herself. By the end of this play, audiences will understand three things better: Islam, America and themselves. Learn More
    $10.95 /script

    Min. Royalty Rate: $90/perf

    In Stock

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  2. The Third Wave Musical

    The Third Wave Musical

    Book and lyrics by Ron Jones. Music and lyrics by David W. Denny, Kathy Peck Denny and Emily Klion.

    Product Code: T09000

    • Drama
    • High School | College | Community
    • 6m., 8w., 12 either gender.
    • 90 min.
    This is the true story of a classroom experiment in fascism which takes place in l967 at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California. When Mr. Jones decided to give his class a real experience of being in a totalitarian society, he did not predict the explosive events that follow. Student curiosity is replaced with conformity and violence, fueling the excitement known as The Third Wave. Learn More
    $10.95 /script

    Min. Royalty Rate: $90/perf

    In Stock

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  3. Nathan the Wise

    Nathan the Wise

    By Paul D'Andrea after G.E. Lessing. Translation by Gisela D'Andrea and Paul D'Andrea.

    Product Code: N54000

    • Comedy | Drama | Melodrama
    • Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
    • 6m., 3w. (Doubling and expansion possible.)
    • 100 min.
    This Western classic on religious tolerance is set in Jerusalem during the Third Crusade. Two young people, Jew and Christian, are drawn to each other in love and come up with an imaginative resolution to the issue of which is the one true faith. Learn More
    $10.95 /script

    Min. Royalty Rate: $90/perf

    In Stock

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3 Item(s)

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