Kylie is a young prima ballerina with a torn ACL and a chip on her shoulder. Esther is an elderly widowed Holocaust survivor estranged from her only child. Both are patients of renowned Black physical therapist Mike Sheffield. When Sheffield decides that the two women should share appointments, attachments form, conflicts erupt, secrets surface and lives unravel. A play about how we heal … and how we don’t. Learn More
4m., 19w., 3 either gender, extras as needed. Doubling possible.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
65 min.
Each night, the twelve princesses who love to dance, sing the song that allows them secret passage into the enchanted forest. The king (tired of finding twelve pairs of worn shoes outside his daughters' room each morning) issues a proclamation. The first person to discover the secret of where the princesses go each night shall receive his or her heart's desire and eight bags of gold! Learn More
7m., 10w., 1 either gender. With over 36 featured roles, the show can be done with as few as 12 or as many as 40 or more.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
100 min.
It's the Glees versus the Goths, the Drama Queens versus the Jocks in a Senior Superlative showdown! Set at a high-school awards ceremony, this title explores the trials and aspirations of teenagers through a thematic arc of song, sketch and monologue, allowing ample room for creative staging and flexible casting. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
2m., 4w. (minimum. Female roles, ballerinas, may be expanded.)
60 min.
Eleven year old 'Rie falls in love with Edgar Degas' first sculpture, The Little Dancer, and wills herself back in time to become the artist's model. The two work together to overcome the difficulties and challenges of making art. Learn More