Theatrical greats William Shakespeare, Sarah Bernhardt and Constantine Stanislavsky lead a journey through the history of theatre. Explore Greek theatre, Kabuki, mime, the gladiators of Rome and speculation on the real author of Shakespeare’s plays. Finally, the cast realizes that the playwright hasn’t written an ending, and they have to ask the audience to help! This interactive farce keeps the audience in stitches at every turn! Learn More
This joyful musical is a retelling of Oliver Twist set in modern-day Rio de Janeiro that tackles issues of poverty, inequity and injustice. Oli, an orphan girl, asks the goddess of the sea for a “little bit more” in her life. Con man Falcão and thief Zé Esquiva hope to use Oli’s sweet nature to steal from a rich widow. In the favela, Oli meets Nancí, who begins to teach Oli how to read. But when police officer Sykes gets involved, everyone has to choose between doing what is easy and what is right. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | Community
3 to 23m., 8 to 30w., up to 22 either gender.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
95 min.
When Drew and Beth (who are not wicked, evil and ugly) are thrown into the dungeon for conspiring against the throne, they tell their fellow prisoners what really happened with Cinderella. Drew, Beth and Ella are really the best of friends and—spoiler alert—Drew is actually Ella’s fairy godmother. So bibbity-bobbity-boom! How can two sisters play matchmaker for their tomboy stepsister while trying to out-connive a conniving mother, outwit a sadistic chancellor and make everyone’s dreams come true before the jailer takes their heads? Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | Community
8 to 25m., 8 to 25w., expandable, extras as desired.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
75 min.
This story theatre-style show is a compilation of pieces about the teens who helped shape America. Did you know that the drummer boys in the Revolutionary War were as young as 11? Or that Caroline Pickersgill helped sew the flag that inspired “The Star-Spangled Banner” at 14? This show is incredibly flexible and adaptable to your space and audience, as we encourage you to write your own pieces about the forgotten teens of America. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | Community
11 to 16m., 11 to 20w., 5 to 9 either gender.
Limited Streaming Rights Available
55 min.
In 1960, 6-year-old Ruby became the first black child to attend an all-white elementary school in New Orleans. When the white families learned of Ruby’s enrollment, they pulled their children from her class, leaving Ruby and her teacher the only ones in the classroom for the school year. Her family watched helplessly as federal marshals escorted Ruby to school each day past protesters jeering and threatening her life. This musical explores a little girl’s unbeatable courage in the face of adversity. Learn More
Theatrical greats William Shakespeare, Sarah Bernhardt and Constantine Stanislavsky lead a journey through the history of theatre. Explore Greek theatre, Kabuki, mime, the gladiators of Rome and speculation on the real author of Shakespeare’s plays. Finally, the cast realizes that the playwright hasn’t written an ending, and they have to ask the audience to help! This interactive farce keeps the audience in stitches at every turn! Learn More
This play is a coming-of-age story set in old Russia about a spirited young girl, Maryushka, determined to find where she belongs. Maryushka bravely and defiantly does her tasks—initially by playing tricks and fooling around—until she gets into trouble—real trouble. She's expelled from her village to find her baby brother who was snatched up by Baba Yaga's geese. Deep in the forest, she finds her true self in the course of completing three difficult tasks for Baba Yaga and brings her baby brother safely home. Learn More
In this true story, a white man and a black woman from Texas are brought together to sing together in France. They are apprehensive of each other, but once in Paris, a dialogue emerges that could never have happened in their isolated worlds in the United States. They struggle with preconceptions but forge a surprising spiritual bond that transforms their onstage performance and their lives.
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Haunting and hilarious, this play takes a strange and wondrous trip through a dozen "post-modern Elizabethan" plays, poems and songs. And just like Will's own plays, this dynamic production interweaves comedy, romance, song and tragedy as it presents contemporary characters interacting with Macbeth and Duncan, Juliet and Titus Andronicus, Othello and Desdemona, and 20 other classic characters. Learn More
24+, extras and doubling as desired. May be performed by as few as 6 actors.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
90 min.
Inspired by students at a New York high school for the arts, this title pits the "Geeks" against the "Goths," "Drama Queens" and "Jocks" in a senior superlative showdown for Best All Around! These pieces can be used as stand-alone audition material, while an appendix of ensemble and two-person scenes transforms this monologue cycle into a full-length play. Learn More