One Act Plays
A Virtual Whodunnit
Product Code: V47000
Ghosts in the Machine (One-Act Version)
Product Code: GD9000
The Last Illusion
Product Code: LL1000
The New Margo
Product Code: N84000
Romeo and Juliet or The Old "You-Know-I-Really-Love-You-But-My-Father-Really-Hates-You" Blues
Product Code: R74000
Take Two
Product Code: TE2000
Othello or Tracking the Green-eyed Monster
Product Code: O63000
Macbeth: A Kid's Cautionary Tale Concerning Greed, Power, Mayhem and Other Current Events
Product Code: MB8000
Pandora's Revenge
Product Code: P64000
Ring of Lead
Product Code: RC2000