Three people accept an invitation to take part in an experiment—a game in which a small room is divided into three equal areas—one for each person. At intervals they recite a slogan: "This is my land. It is mine. It is beautiful, and it is mine." As the game progresses, we see the drive that makes each human want to possess more than his neighbors—a drive that causes hatred ... and starts wars. This play, which can be staged simply or with multimedia effects, combines fantastical elements of the "theatre of the absurd" with realistic aspects of the traditional theatre to produce a play with a powerful impact. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional
4m., 8w., 9 either gender, doubling possible.
Limited Livestream Rights Available
120 min.
With her mother dead and her father away, Ashgirl lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. When the invitation to the ball arrives from the prince, Ashgirl finds the strength to go with the help of her friends, some of whom come from unexpected places. When she gets home, Ashgirl realizes that in order to regain the fleeting happiness she found in the arms of the prince, she must fight the monsters who have slithered and insinuated their way into her heart and mind. She must believe in herself for others to do so. Learn More