In Scotland, selkies transform into lasses on Midsummer's Eve and dance on the beach. This play chronicles the story of a 16-year-old who discovers a pelt that unlocks the mystery foretold. Learn More
High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
7m., 4w.
105 min.
The death of one sweet old lady turns the small southern town of Second Samuel upside down, leaving everybody wondering if anything would ever be normal again! Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional
4m., 8w., 9 either gender, doubling possible.
Limited Livestream Rights Available
120 min.
With her mother dead and her father away, Ashgirl lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. When the invitation to the ball arrives from the prince, Ashgirl finds the strength to go with the help of her friends, some of whom come from unexpected places. When she gets home, Ashgirl realizes that in order to regain the fleeting happiness she found in the arms of the prince, she must fight the monsters who have slithered and insinuated their way into her heart and mind. She must believe in herself for others to do so. Learn More
Like Aesop's fables, Wiley and the Hairy Man is drawn from native folk wisdom. "Outwit the Hairy Man three times, and he won't scare you ever again," says Mammy. Trembling, Wiley sets out for the woods, prepared to confront the Hairy Man; he looks fear in the face and outwits it. The adventures are presented in lyric poetry and mime. The actors become the woods, the cabin, and all the props, making Wiley imaginative and easy to mount. Learn More