One year after the end of the Civil War, Madison Hemings and Israel Jefferson return to Monticello. Madison attempts to claim the pieces of the house he helped build, while Israel advises him to consider the memories of the other families who were enslaved at Monticello. Both men are confronted with their conflicting feelings about Thomas Jefferson, and they are forced to consider—what do we need to keep with us, and what should we leave behind? Learn More
By Marie Kohler. Adapted from the novel Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe.
Product Code: MS8000
Comedy | Drama
High School | College | Community | Professional
3m., 6w., with doubling. Expandable ensemble.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
120 min.
Moll Flanders’ drive for love and survival led her on many adventures—flings, marriages and a career as an infamous thief. The play begins on the eve of Moll’s hanging at Newgate Prison as she tells her story to the minister, who is determined to offer her a last chance at salvation. Midnight and Moll Flanders follows a transformation journey for both Moll and the minister, exploring the influence of gender, class, free will and luck in an era as wildly entrepreneurial as our own. Learn More
Whether you’re escaping from conflicts at home, within yourself or a country at war, you can become a target for human traffickers. With spirit, humor and honesty, three vulnerable teen girls, Alison, Makayla and Isabella, lead us through their harrowing descents—and escapes—from being used as property to reclaim their worth as human beings. Learn More
Welcome to an enchanted kingdom where all your favorite fairy tale characters have come to retell—NOPE! Scratch that, we're not doin’ that! Ella’s tired of the false promises that never come true in the real world, so she’s writing what happens AFTER. Now, the entire kingdom is rocked as these aging ingénues and neurotic princes try to deal with life after that perfect moment. Part farce, part vaudeville, part SNL, a little Rocky Horror and a wild ride that no one ever imagined after “happily ever after.” Learn More
It is July 1977—the Son of Sam is on the loose, and New York City is in the midst of a brutal heat wave. Sixteen-year-old Mary Claire and her best friend start that day sunning themselves on the rooftop. Her younger sister, Reenie, is searching for her lost class project, while their parents are consumed by the battles of their troubled marriage. The boy-crazy teenagers hatch a plan to stay out all night, but an overstressed electrical grid leads to a city-wide blackout and a sudden loss of innocence. Learn More