Recent widower, Dan, and divorcee, Jenna, meet mid-life and mid-crisis. Their painful pasts cause them both to feel undeserving of happiness. But as their relationship turns to romance, they overcome fears of the past and present to accept a second chance at life and happiness. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
3m., 1w., 4 either gender, chorus of 4 to 12.
60 min.
Set deep in the Tombigbee swamp, this classic tale of a very young boy with a very big fear is brought to new and vibrant life in this musical version. The story centers around a fatherless young boy, his conjure-woman mother, his faithful dog and the Hairy Man who haunts Wiley's days and dreams. Wiley sets forth alone to face his fears and to conquer his own lack of self-confidence. Learn More