This joyful musical is a retelling of Oliver Twist set in modern-day Rio de Janeiro that tackles issues of poverty, inequity and injustice. Oli, an orphan girl, asks the goddess of the sea for a “little bit more” in her life. Con man Falcão and thief Zé Esquiva hope to use Oli’s sweet nature to steal from a rich widow. In the favela, Oli meets Nancí, who begins to teach Oli how to read. But when police officer Sykes gets involved, everyone has to choose between doing what is easy and what is right. Learn More
6 to 14m., 6 to 20w., 1 to 8 either gender, extras, singers and dancers as desired.
60 min.
A group of high-school students waits at the bus stop on a Monday morning after a crazy weekend. Hilarity and anxiety explode due to parental and friendship tensions, fashion mistakes, athletic ambitions and academic terrors. Monologues convey their reactions when they learn a fellow student committed suicide. By the end of the day, many truths are confronted as the students learn to face their lives with hope. Learn More