This joyful musical is a retelling of Oliver Twist set in modern-day Rio de Janeiro that tackles issues of poverty, inequity and injustice. Oli, an orphan girl, asks the goddess of the sea for a “little bit more” in her life. Con man Falcão and thief Zé Esquiva hope to use Oli’s sweet nature to steal from a rich widow. In the favela, Oli meets Nancí, who begins to teach Oli how to read. But when police officer Sykes gets involved, everyone has to choose between doing what is easy and what is right. Learn More
High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
1m., 5w., 8 to 29+ either gender.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
120 min.
There's a new witch in town—Peloros, the witchiest witch of them all—and since she arrived, things have gone completely haywire in Oz. Meanwhile, on the wrong side of the rainbow, a young woman is trying to convince anyone who will listen that she is Dorothy Gale, just like in the fairy tale. With time running out, Dorothy must find a way to help her friends in Oz before it's too late. But how? Learn More
Book, music and lyrics by Douglas Post. Based on the stories by the Brothers Grimm.
Product Code: K04000
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
7m., 5w., extras.
Limited Livestream Rights Available
Contact our customer service department to order or for more information.
75 min.
Hans unlocks an enchanted chest that held the imprisoned Gerhardt the Great and his troupe of traveling players. To show their thanks, the players perform The Golden Goose, The Three Huntsmen, and The Four Skillful Brothers. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
8m., 5w., extras.
Limited Livestream Rights Available
Contact our customer service department to order or for more information.
105 min.
Water Rat, curious Mole, and sensible Badger are all good-hearted friends who have to save Toad from himself and rescue the magnificent Toad Hall from the devious weasels. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
4m., 4w., 1 any gender.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
110 min.
This musical follows the struggles of Zack, a 9-year-old boy who yearns for a normal home while living in the boarding house full of eccentric characters that’s run by his widowed and single mother, Jan. When confronted with a financial crisis that may force them to give up their boarding house and move to Florida, Zack begins to see things differently. He is determined to save the day and finds that his dream of home was closer than he thought. Learn More