This joyful musical is a retelling of Oliver Twist set in modern-day Rio de Janeiro that tackles issues of poverty, inequity and injustice. Oli, an orphan girl, asks the goddess of the sea for a “little bit more” in her life. Con man Falcão and thief Zé Esquiva hope to use Oli’s sweet nature to steal from a rich widow. In the favela, Oli meets Nancí, who begins to teach Oli how to read. But when police officer Sykes gets involved, everyone has to choose between doing what is easy and what is right. Learn More
This play is a coming-of-age story set in old Russia about a spirited young girl, Maryushka, determined to find where she belongs. Maryushka bravely and defiantly does her tasks—initially by playing tricks and fooling around—until she gets into trouble—real trouble. She's expelled from her village to find her baby brother who was snatched up by Baba Yaga's geese. Deep in the forest, she finds her true self in the course of completing three difficult tasks for Baba Yaga and brings her baby brother safely home. Learn More
There is no need to recount the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and his redemptive discovery of the true Christmas spirit. It is as familiar to us as Santa Claus himself. This musical adaptation is intended as a means of chasing away the "humbugs" and saying, as only theatre can, "God bless us, everyone!" Learn More
This 50-minute musical celebrates the legacy of Blind Lemon Jefferson and his profound influence upon the development of American popular music. Jefferson was a blind street musician who played his guitar at the corner of Elm Street and Central Avenue in the Deep Ellum area of Dallas, Texas, until a Paramount Records scout discovered him. Learn More
This dazzling farce shows us how musicals can change the everyday mundane to magical moments! The Professor, our musical guide, is going to teach "How to Make a Musical." He picks Chris, a "random" student, out of the audience and takes him through a day at his school, showing him each scene both as it would be in real life and how it would be played in a musical. Learn More
Middle School | High School | Community | Professional
4m., 5w., 8 children. (Children's cast can be expanded with nonspeaking parts.)
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
90 min.
Mrs. Frump and the kids from her orphanage go on an adventuresome bus ride culminating in a Christmas even more special than Frump could have ever imagined. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional
3 to 10m., 2 to 7w., plus 9 or more either gender.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
40 min.
This is a unique and fun retelling of the classic battle of wit and deception as told in the beloved fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood. We meet Red (who is nobody's fool) and the wolf (who tries to be cool) and granny—well, sometimes she's left in the dark! The story includes short retellings of sections within the tale, told in multiple styles: melodrama, Elizabethan, '80s hip-hop slang, and avant-garde. Learn More