This joyful musical is a retelling of Oliver Twist set in modern-day Rio de Janeiro that tackles issues of poverty, inequity and injustice. Oli, an orphan girl, asks the goddess of the sea for a “little bit more” in her life. Con man Falcão and thief Zé Esquiva hope to use Oli’s sweet nature to steal from a rich widow. In the favela, Oli meets Nancí, who begins to teach Oli how to read. But when police officer Sykes gets involved, everyone has to choose between doing what is easy and what is right. Learn More
High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
4m., 3w., 3 either gender.
90 min.
Set in pre-revolutionary Mexico, the Spirit of Time narrates a tale that takes place over a span of 18 years and also on a single night, when the groundless jealousy of a powerful don destroys a happy family. Only through the vision and courage of an abandoned child, Perdida, is all that was lost finally found again. Learn More