Theatrical greats William Shakespeare, Sarah Bernhardt and Constantine Stanislavsky lead a journey through the history of theatre. Explore Greek theatre, Kabuki, mime, the gladiators of Rome and speculation on the real author of Shakespeare’s plays. Finally, the cast realizes that the playwright hasn’t written an ending, and they have to ask the audience to help! This interactive farce keeps the audience in stitches at every turn! Learn More
Haunting and hilarious, this play takes a strange and wondrous trip through a dozen "post-modern Elizabethan" plays, poems and songs. And just like Will's own plays, this dynamic production interweaves comedy, romance, song and tragedy as it presents contemporary characters interacting with Macbeth and Duncan, Juliet and Titus Andronicus, Othello and Desdemona, and 20 other classic characters. Learn More
24+, extras and doubling as desired. May be performed by as few as 6 actors.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
90 min.
Inspired by students at a New York high school for the arts, this title pits the "Geeks" against the "Goths," "Drama Queens" and "Jocks" in a senior superlative showdown for Best All Around! These pieces can be used as stand-alone audition material, while an appendix of ensemble and two-person scenes transforms this monologue cycle into a full-length play. Learn More
In a series of vignettes and monologues, you'll meet a variety of Elvis fans, worshipers and detractors and explore celebrity worship and fan obsession. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional
1m., 1w.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
70 min.
Step-siblings holding false assumptions about each other remind us to "never judge a book by its cover" using contemporary music and stand-up comedy rants. Learn More
In this rollicking adaptation of Shakespeare's play, teens, fairies, workers and royalty collide in a forest on a summer night, and are bedazzled by a prankster. The fairy queen falls in love with an ass, the teens fall in and out (and in) love with each other, well-meaning goofs stumble into their 15 minutes of fame and fairies weave magic to bring it all to a happy end. Three streetwise storytellers pull the audience at breakneck speed toward the moon-drenched conclusion. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Professional
21m., 21w. (much smaller with doubling.)
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
125 min.
This funny play covers all aspects of a folk rock music festival and is designed so that you can insert soft or hard rock musical numbers, thus making it a marvelous yet inexpensive musical. Learn More