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Currently Filtered by:
  1. Remove This Item Target Audience: High School
  2. Remove This Item Genre: Satire
  3. Remove This Item Performing Group: Community Theatre
  4. Remove This Item Performing Group: TYA
Filter By
  1. Full Length Plays (27)
  2. One Act Plays (7)
  3. UIL Approved Titles (7)
  4. Musicals (13)
  5. Musicals with Accompaniment CDs (6)
  6. Collections (2)
  7. Bilingual Titles (1)
  8. Livestream Titles (33)

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Target Audience
  1. High School (2)
  2. College and Adult (2)
  1. Culture (2)
  2. Holiday (1)
  1. Black (1)
  1. Comedy (2)
  2. Drama (1)
  3. Satire (2)
  1. Magical Realism (1)
Performing Group
  1. High School (2)
  2. College Theatre (2)
  3. Community Theatre (2)
Approx. Run Time (minutes)
40m 75m 40m to 75m
Total Cast Size
2 62 2 to 62
Female Cast Members
4 10 4 to 10
Male Cast Members
3 6 3 to 6

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  1. The Ties That Bind T22000

    The Ties That Bind

    By Regina Taylor.

    Product Code: T22000

    • Comedy | Drama | Satire
    • High School | College | Community
    • 3m., 5w., with doubling. Can be expanded to 6m., 10w
    • 75 min.
    Two fast-paced, contemporary plays united by the same theme: the ties that bind (and tear apart) black Americans. Learn More
    $9.95 /book

    Min. Royalty Rate: $85/perf

    In Stock

    Learn More

2 Item(s)

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