While the mouse commune prepares for winter, Frederick seemingly has his head in the clouds. When the darkest days of winter finally arrive and the mice have exhausted their supplies and worn thin their stories and games, it is Frederick who has stored up something special to help save the day. Learn More
Adapted by Max Bush. From the tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
Product Code: E87000
Comedy | Drama
Middle School | High School | College | Community
2 to 3m., 1 to 2w., 1 either gender.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
55 min.
This adaptation incorporates aspects of Hans Christian Andersen's life including his passion for acting and his mother's determination to help her son achieve his aspirations. The weavers in this play are actors, a mother and son; their talents come into play as they pretend to weave the "magic" cloth. As they improvise their plot, the hilarious results and the extent of the emperor's self-absorbed vanity are revealed. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | TYA
Cast: 2 to 10m., 2 to 4w., up to 16 either gender. Puppetry opportunities for expanding cast.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
60 min.
Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind's journey of discovery transports you to a simpler, earlier time of possibility and promise when amazing men and women accomplished astounding adventures! This highly theatrical tall tale is a narrative based in fact that includes embellishment, enhancement, enlargement and aggrandizement! So let the thunder roll, lightning strike and the rain storm as Davy Crockett bursts to life saving the world from imminent destruction. Learn More
The trickster Anansi meets Aso, the god of the sky's daughter. He is smitten and must marry her, but to do so he has to prove himself on a quest. With the help of the audience, Anansi accomplishes his task but lies about how he does so, taking all the credit. Through his quests, Anansi finds humility and the path to acceptance and love. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
3m., 1w., 4 either gender, chorus of 4 to 12.
60 min.
Set deep in the Tombigbee swamp, this classic tale of a very young boy with a very big fear is brought to new and vibrant life in this musical version. The story centers around a fatherless young boy, his conjure-woman mother, his faithful dog and the Hairy Man who haunts Wiley's days and dreams. Wiley sets forth alone to face his fears and to conquer his own lack of self-confidence. Learn More
Adapted by Travis Tyre from the tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
Product Code: PL5000
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional
5 to 6m., 4 to 5w., 2 either gender, extras as desired.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights
90 min.
Blending fiction with historical fact, this moving adaptation takes place in 1860s Imperial Russia where czars were required by law to marry women of royal Russian blood. The consequence for not following the law was losing the throne. After his father's death, Alexi is next in line for the throne, but experiences the jarring contrast between making laws and living by them. Learn More
Adapted by Brian Guehring from the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Product Code: BL2000
Middle School | High School | Community
2 to 3m., 1 to 4w., 1 to 9+ either gender.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
60 min.
A young tailor is bullied for his small size until rumors about him spread around the village and get exaggerated. The king hears of a tailor who can kill seven giants in one blow. The tailor is brought before the cowardly king and must find his own courage to battle a rampaging unicorn, two troublesome giants and a fierce dragon. Learn More
Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
7 to 13 either gender, extras as desired.
Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
65 min.
In this bubbling confection of a musical, Mole is introduced to the delights of life along the river by his new friend, Rat. Meanwhile, Mr. Toad is condemned to prison and Toad Hall is taken over by weasels. One clever jailbreak and a daring midnight raid later, and the world is once again set aright. Learn More
Book and lyrics by Ric Averill. Music by Adrian Rees.
Product Code: PL3000
Comedy | Farce
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
2m., 1w., 32 to 46+ either gender (doubling possible for smaller cast).
50 min.
Falstaff, a theatre cat, narrowly averts an all-out war by inviting the mean street rats and alley cats allies to join him to perform his own version of The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Mayhem ensues as Falstaff attempts to create believable performances from this raucous group. Learn More
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
2m., 1w., 32 to 46+ either gender (doubling possible for smaller cast).
60 min.
This play presents the classic fairy tale about animal musicians who are kicked out of their homes as worthless, but find new strength and purpose as they band together, becoming an orchestra of musicians. The play then turns the same story into an urban fairy tale with human characters in a big city. Learn More