High School | College | Community | Professional | TYA
1m., 1w., 3 to 10 either gender.
55 min.
When Beatriz storms into her room to escape yet another fight between her parents, she turns to Beatrizita, a doll made for her by her recently deceased abuela, for comfort. Beatrizita magically comes to life and sends Beatriz searching for her abuela in Dreamland with nothing but a blank map to guide her. Along the way, she discovers the regalitos (little gifts) of spirit that her abuela’s kindness instilled within her. Learn More
This dramatic adaptation, sprinkled with comedic commentary, is a winner for elementary, middle, and early high school. Shakespeare's Scottish tragedy is told within a lively and humorous story-theatre frame. Macbeth and his Lady covet the crown while witches, ghosts, kings and soldiers sweep across the landscape, carving out the battle between good and evil. Shakespeare characters speak the Bard's words, while storytellers fill in plot and comment wryly on the escalating action. Learn More