Larger than life (literally and metaphorically), American culinary icon James Beard was a complex, entertaining, beloved and frustrating friend and mentor to many. Openly gay even though his primary audience was middle-America housewives, Beard always kept his phone number listed and famously took calls from anyone who needed a little cooking advice. I Love to Eat invites you to meet “the face and belly of American gastronomy” in this solo play that imagines a late night in Beard’s home. Learn More
Limited Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available
50 min.
In this play, we're taken on a poignant and funny journey, rich in anecdotal detail, through the Kron family album. Lisa accompanies her ailing father to Auschwitz, where his parents were killed, and where she understands more clearly the joys and sorrows of her father's heart. With wit and compassion, Lisa creates a complex, startling and searingly funny meditation on how human beings make sense of tragedy, grief, and everyday life. Learn More
A series of comedic monologues that chronicle the lives of various Latino immigrants dealing with transcultural shock of race and gender identity. Learn More