Young, handsome Harold is married to elderly, wheelchair-ridden Elizabeth because of that age-old attraction—money. So naturally, Harold plans to murder her and inherit all that glorious money. He convinces Elizabeth that he can no longer tend to the big house by himself, and she reluctantly agrees to let him hire the people he claims are so urgently needed: a nurse/companion, to tend to Elizabeth's needs; Lisa LaRouche, a housekeeper who says she does windows and whatever else needs to be done; Inga Slayton, a cook with a flair for preparing Scandinavian dishes; and Zachary Flood, an unkempt, uncouth groundskeeper. Who-done-it? Your audience will be shocked when they finally find out the answer.
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- Type of Show One-act Play
- Product Code A24000
- Cast Size 10
- Min. Royalty Rate $40/perf
- Cost $9.95
- Approx. Run Time 35 min
- Target Audience Middle School | High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages) | Senior Adults
- Performing Group Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Touring Group | Dinner Theatre
- Genre Comedy | Drama
- ISBN(13) 9781583421765
Hints, Tips, and Tricks
- "We did this play as an opportunity for a student to direct. It was easy to stage with minimal props and scenery (in fact, my student chose to stage it in the round, and it worked beautifully), but having the consciences on stage gave my student director an opportunity to get really creative. The audience loved it."
- Tip by Mariana Hardy, Highland High School, Medina, Ohio
- "Keep the set simple. We used a very minimal set and it worked well."
- Tip by Aaron Klassen, Shevchenko School, Vita, Manitoba, Canada